Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) Commodore Dr Raymond King and the commanding officer and crew of HMBS LEON L SMITH during a ceremony at RBDF Headquarters, John F Kennedy Drive, on December 18, 2020. (RBDF PHOTO: ABLE SEAMAN FREDRICK RUSSELL)
NASSAU, BAHAMAS The commanding officer and crew of Her Majesty’s Bahamian Ship LEON LIVINGSTON SMITH, along with the vessel, and two marines of Majesty’s Bahamian Ship BAHAMAS, were recently recognized for their outstanding performance during the year.
The recognition was in keeping with the Commander Defence Force Commodore Raymond King’s strategic intent of developing a professional and high-performance workforce focused on rewarding excellence in the workplace, according to statements released by the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF).
NASSAU, BAHAMAS With the aim of boosting morale, the Welfare Section of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) sent “recreational supplies” to members of the force who are currently on deployment, the force announced yesterday.
Items like basketballs and board games will be sent to teams stationed on Abaco and Inagua who may be away from their families, according to an RBDF statement on the gift-giving.
“With the holiday season approaching, the Welfare Section of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force is ensuring that the morale and well-being of personnel attached to the RBDF’s Northern and Southern Command are of the highest standard,” read the statement.
CAT ISLAND, BAHAMAS Members of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force’s (RBDF) Squadron Department visited Cat Island to support students who recently participated in a national competition.
Led by Senior Lieutenant Alexis Brown, the commanding officer of patrol craft HMBS LEON LIVINGSTONE SMITH, and his crew, the team of officers and marines assisted with the 14th Annual Short Story/Poetry Competition presentation of certificates and awards on November 30, 2020. This event is coordinated by Vera Chase, a published author, historian and president of Commonwealth Writers of The Bahamas.
Presentations were made, at the Eric Moncur Resort Center, Cat Island, by Principal of Old Bight Primary School Olivia King; as RBDF members “assisted with the presentation of accolades to the overall winning students from various primary and high schools throughout the island”.