north korea. nobody supports iran. how are we in these condition of continuing deal we know are bad. steve: one thing for the president to stand up but his own republican congress in a lot of measures won t stand with him. that s what s so funny. all of these republican congressman oppose the iran deal. steve: yeah. korea is a complete rogue nation. where are they when it comes to stand up? steve: good question. mark penn, new book coming out microtrends: thank you. steve: critical deadline for dreamers passed yesterday. why can t congress can t anything done? plus his son was a bully on the bus. the punishment? he had his kid run to school in the rain. you want to figure out what to do? parenting. if you don t know what it s like? there you go. teach them a lesson. you don t have to kill them.
so high that rather than support our country elites wind up supporting dictators and others who have found america, in the last 25 years, to be an easy mark. who wrote that former hillary clinton campaign strategist and chairman of the harris poll, mark penn. the author of a new book calling out in two weeks called microtranssquared. when did america loose its back broken? americans have always had confidence to be the country stands up for the right, dictators. beggar thy neighbor policies and what s happening to national cycley. after iraq and 2009 financial crisis, americans are too concerned about standing up. oh my god. the sky is falling. every time you push back on one of these regimes. if you don t push back, tryst me, they are going to move forward. steve: look at north korea.