of them, offering them any intelligence. with us now gordonen chang, author of the book, the coming collapse of china. the accusation near this chinese newspaper is that he didn t go to this contractor job at boost allen and then realize what s going on, i have to expose. i he wanted to expose it so he got a job where he could. i wouldn t be surprised. a lot of people have beening saying that snowden is either chinese intelligence or working alongside chinese intelligence, and so that would be a perfect job to do what he did, and he had contact with other nsa employees who had been turned by the chinese, who gave their information to snowden, who took it to hong kong. so, this fits in with everything that we have been hearing for the last couple of weeks. shepard: now this chase. it s quite extraordinary he has been able to get all this done. he has had a lot of help. the chinese not only allowed snowden to leave, they encouraged him to do so. we learned in the last day that
basic things, like get enough money to move around? i don t know his location now. i know he s still in hong kong. he disappeared, i suppose that s accurate, and he s been in the hotel room in downtown hong kong for the best part of three weeks. he almost never left, maybe three times but just briefly. he had his meals taken to the hotel room. so he was i think he almost expected the knock on the door and it didn t come. once the media descended when he came out, i think he thought that isn t stable anymore. the media at least are going to find me so he went to another location. as of yesterday morning, he was still in that hotel. as of yesterday afternoon, he had gone. he had gone. of course everyone now, the crucial question now is where is he. thanks to ewen joining us live from hong kong. gordon chang, author of the coming collapse of china.
there. we want to open up their markets so that we ve got two-way trade, not just one-way trade. i m joined now by gordon chang, author of the book nuclear show yodown and the coming collapse of china. we have these things everywhere, on the bottom of the cup. i m sure it s the same thing. is the point of this to try to get to the a level where it will be in china one day you ll have stickers that say made in the usa? is that going to happen? it s possible. the chinese announced $45 billion in purchases of american goods. obama administration says 235,000 american jobs. we have to put this into context. our trade deficit with china will be about 275 billion. that s up from about 227 billion in 2009. so, you know, this isn t going in the right direction. okay. the white house says that the summit this week was a success. in your opinion, was it a
good health. u.s. space travel will depend on the soyuz flights once nasa moth balls the discovery shuttle program at the end of the year. and now back to the crisis on the korean peninsula. the deadly assault not only frayed nerves but caused a shakeup when that country s government with folks still mourning the loss of the four people killed by north korea s artillery. the president in south korea appointing a new defense minister, the previous one resigned yesterday, reportedly for failing to keep the military forces ready in an area that is seeing repeated clashes with the north. and now our asian affairs expert, a author of coming collapse of china. north korea says we are on the brimpleg of war. we are not really? guest: i don t think so. we are on the brink of conflict on the peninsula. it will take a long time because
generals prepare for the last war. we haven t thought about big power conflict because we think it s 20th century but that could be the next war. shepard: i read now that there s a lot of people think we need this next evolution of fighter jets and we but we don t have any money. it makes things difficult. china has all our money. they do because we ve been buying from them and trade is a national security issue for us. but on the fighters, it s important because the chinese have stolen all of the plans for the f35, the joint strike fighter. even before it hits the flight line. that really means maybe we do need the f22, the fifth generation top of the rank fighter which secretary gates cancelled a year ago. we may have to reconfigure what the military is spending. shepard: your book is titled the coming collapse of china. chinese leaders could get