reporter: this binder chronicles a yearun cover. this is an informant contact report. reporter: one quesadilla tails two americans scoring 60 pounds of narcotics, another describes a drug tunnel. it has been under excavation for approximately 45 days. between a house in mexico and another in arizona. at the time that we were there, we saw 6-foot section of a floor being removed in a bedroom. why does he do it? i am motivated solely by one fact and one fact only and that is to make money. reporter: after a year on the job he s contributing, claiming more agencies refuse tough cases, including a dirty agent at the port of entry. the american taxpayer is being bilked for billions of dollars in programs that are utter and abject failures. reporter: one of those, he says, involves guns. tomorrow we ll look into how military-grade weapons, bill, that are sent legally to mexico through our own government end up in the hands of cartels. bill: it is remarkable to see. will
a federal inspection, just two years ago, so that is getting a lot of attention. according to reports the black river levy received an unacceptable rating by the u.s. army corps of engineers, the lowest of the three ratings that they give out. at least 15 inches of rain has fallen in poplar bluff since monday. the water, in fact, rise sog fast there that some residents just did not have enough time to get the sandbags out to help protect their homes. it s a tough situation. bill: coming again today, southern michigan now a possible tornado sweeping across alagainy county, causing heavy rains and flooding through the area, the powerful winds sweeping through a turkey farm, destroyed two barns that how s dollars 40,000 turkeys. workers saying they saw the storm moving in and had to dive for cover. it was really dark, and that s when i saw the barn door coming running it was just like breaking off, coming towards me, so i dodged in the oil building there and a in the office
himself admit that s for some people, even this won t be enough, so the president says there s no political calculation here, his aides say there isn t, they say it s to enable the country to focus on the serious issues we need to deal with, dealing with the debt, dealing with unemployment, but perhaps they felt that now was the time that basically, donald trump had been given enough rope to hang himself. bill: we re going to follow this and we re going to see what donald trump says in new hampshire and also follow this from the white house to see if there is more fallout from this. we expect a briefing three hours from now with jay carney with the microphones there. in the meantime chris wallace is standing by, anchor of fox news sunday, we re going to get him to weigh in in a moment as to where this issue goes now, is it dead or does it continue. eric cantor was with us earlier, and himself, we asked him about this. you ll hear a bit of that interview and his reaction and response as
dominated by the issue of where he was born, led mainly at this point by donald trump. the president said we have serious issues to deal with, we re not going to deal with them if we get distracted by what he called side shows and carnival barkers. now is the time, he said, for serious debate, now is the time, i guess, they felt they had given donald trump enough rope to hang himself to put out the long form that birthers had been calling for for more than two years now. ostensibly to put the issue behind them, although the president says there will be a a segment of the population for whom this will not be enough proof that he was born in hawaii. bill: eric cantor, house majority leader, told me 30 minutes ago that he cannot believe the white house is giving this the attention it is. is there a defense for that? well, i m not sure there is, bill. they could have done this at any point over the past 2 1/2 years and quite frankly, the president
forget it, he was going back to the eastern part of washington state to live with his wife and sail off into the sunset. that is a huge sacrifice that crocker is making yet again. now to panetta, he moves away from the cia, the head of the department of defense, is he qualified to do that? is he the right man for that job? bill, this is the only war i m aware of where if you don t do well, you get promoted. this is one of the problems with leanne panetta and as chair of the cia, there s been really materially visible failures. we did not see the middle east uprising coming o clock the camp chapman episode where nearly a dozen officers were killed by al-qaeda, and these were not small things. that operation in kost, the i m concerned about the fact that he didn t master the culture at cia, i don t think he was a good manager, there were clearly failures on his watch and now he s going into an even more complicated job to talk