When we read comics, we 'hear' sound on the page. Creators are experts at this cross-sensory form of storytelling - indeed one database lists over 2500 comic book sounds.
How Comics Make Sound On The Page
From Wolverine’s
SNIKT! when unsheathing his claws, to Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 in The Death of Stalin (later made into a film) the use of “textual audio” invites comics readers to hear with their eyes.
Fundamental elements such as symbols, font styles and onomatopoeia (where words imitate sounds) mean reading comics is a cross-sensory experience. New and old examples show the endless potential of the artform.
Kaboom! and splosh! on every page. Image: Unsplash/Miika Laaksonen, CC BY
Holy onomatopoeia Batman!
POW! BAM! BANG! appear on the page when Batman and Robin land a punch.