Now, more than ever, there's a good chance that you may be looking at buying a new desk. While office furniture may typically not be a high priority on people's "must-have" lists, a good setup for studying, getting work done or even gaming is something we're all thinking about more than we typically do. If you're among the millions who typically commute to work for a day job, there's a good chance that you've found yourself working at your kitchen table or couch this past year as more and more employers have allowed remote work. While a kitchen table can work in a pinch, a proper desk is a better option. But if you want the best option, a standing desk is the way to go. About a week ago, the new Flexispot Comhar Standing Desk was swapped in as a replacement for my daughter's small Ikea desk in her room. Her previous desk was functional and she loved using it for writing and for storage, but it quickly became too cramped when her school switc