More children in need will be receiving homemade blankets, thanks to the Project Linus Rummage Sale on Saturday, Oct. 21.Attendees gathered at First Congregati
At Gallery Ver Project Room, visitors can see projections of 3D chicks walking under a handmade woven coop. While the chicks are walking, various objects mobile phones, laptops, cameras, doughnuts, bubble milk tea plastic cups, cars, airplanes, dumbbells and placards randomly drop on their heads.
poll survey. 34% of adults still sleep with some kind of comfort object from childhood. blankets, teddy bears, you name it. the survey done on the mattress review site sleep sleepopulous: sounds like a dinosaur. steve: save chick-fil-a bill and the question is whether or not the governor greg abbott would sign it. he tweeted this what are the signs i will sign the chick-fil-a bill i will let you know after dinner. and what it was to do was it was a bill to protected. ainsley: there he is if i can fillet. the bill was to protect private entities from punishment over actions they take due to religious beliefs. ainsley: i the airport they have obviously restaurants in food court. chick if i play wants to move in there the local lawmakers said no, because there is some controversy with this restaurant whether