Known. This election marks the Largest Senate gains for a president s party in a first Midterm Election since at least president kennedys in 1962. There have been only four Midterm Elections since 1934 in which a president s party has gained even a single senate seat. As of now, we picked up it looks like three, and could be four, and perhaps two, but we picked up a lot. Most like ly the number is thre, and you people probably know that better than i do at this point, because you looked at the more recent numbers. 55 is the largest number of republican senators in the last 100 years. In years a president s party has only
acquired eight cumulative seats averaging one per decade, and so if we picked up two, three, four, that is a big percentage of that number. So in the last 80 years, you think of that. Only eight seats. In President Obamas first Midterm Election, he lost six senate seats, include ing ing i deep blue state of massachusetts. Republicans captured at least four senate seats
Known. This election marks the Largest Senate gains for a president s party in a first Midterm Election since at least president kennedys in 1962. There have been only four Midterm Elections since 1934 in which a president s party has gained even a single senate seat. As of now we picked up, it looks like, three, could be four, perhaps it could be two. But we picked up a lot. And most likely the number will be three. You people probably know that better than i do at this point because youve looked at the more recent numbers. 55 is the largest number of republican senators in the last 100 years. In the last 80 years a sitting president s party has only gained a cumulative total of
eight senate seats, averaging one per decade. So if we picked up two, three or four, thats a big percentage of that number, so in the lastle last 80 years you think of that. In president s Midterm Election he lost six senate seats including in the deep blue state of massachusetts. Republicans captured at least
moscow. i don t know about that they went after people with tax problems from years ago. they went after people with loans and other things, nothing to do with my campaign. this is an investigation where many, many millions of dollars has been spent and there s no collusion. it was supposed to be on collusion. there s no collusion and i think it s very bad for our country. i will tell you, i think it s a shame and a poll came out today, by the way from nbc or at least i saw it on nbc where a majority of the people do not agree with the mueller investigation or it wasn t approved they have approval and disapproval and it had a much higher diggs approval. it should end because it s very bad for our country. so if i m not just talking about the tremendous expense. and the other thing is they should look at the other side also. they only look at one side.
what kind of a question is that? i m just asking. a comedian here. i do like oprah, by the way, she was a person i knew well. came to my place in palm beach often and i have a lot of respect for her. unfortunately, she didn t do the trick. the real question is, you just said from this podium that are you offering a my way or highway scenario to the democrats, you re saying negotiation. not at all. if they start investigating you, that you can play that game and investigate them. better than them. can you compartmentalize that and still continue to work with them for the benefit of the rest of the country or are you or are all bets off. no, if they do that then all it is is a war-like posture. so wait a minute then the follow up you heard my answer. go ahead. well, since it s jim, i ll let it go. thank you, mr. president.
i think that s you re a very rude person. the way you treat sarah huckabee is horrible. you shouldn t treat people that way. go ahead, peter. in jim s defense i traveled with him and watched him. he is a dill dent -igent i m not a big fan of yours. you repeatedly over the course of just sit down, please. pipe bombs when you report fake news which cnn does a lot, you are the enemy of the people. go ahead. mr. president, over the course of over the course of the last several days of the campaign, sir, sir, at the end of the campaign you repeatedly said americans need to fear democrats. you said democrats would unleash a wave of violent crime that endangers families everywhere. because they re weak on crime. excuse me. why are what, are you trying to be him? let me tell you, very simple. because they re very weak on