of this critical information, sensitive information. ed: sensitive, sometimes classified. steve: sometimes in the paper where it s not to be all in an effort to discredit this president. that is bad for our national security. ainsley: some of those leaks that have been in the newspaper have come from that columbia professor. i m talking about james comey who leaked information about his conversations with president trump. those memos to that columbia professor. well, there are some congressman, there are four in particular, jim jordan someone of them. we interviewed him earlier. they are concerned about those types of leaks. they want to investigate james comey and loretta lynch. it s not just what he released comey to the columbia professor but also loretta lynch asking for the hillary clinton emails to be a matter instead of a criminal investigation. they want to get to the bottom of that why comey did not indict hillary clinton. also the conversation between bill clinton and loretta