ainsley: i think he is very cute but is he a married man. he has children. i have been listening to all these interviews about him. he is so humble. my gosh, he seems like a great guy. he has been on our show before. he has so many wonderful songs. he has been around for like 20 years in nashville. good friends with blake shelton they started together early days in nashville. brian: up and down. joe nicoles was really hot and dined of down and really hot again. one line we are going to focus on is tequila. going to answer does tequila make your clothes fall off. steve: i m hoping that s a song. okay. brian: yep. them panty whose ain t going to last too long if the j.j. putz bon jovi on. somehow country. there you go. continue to postulate that. steve: any way he is our featured performer today. what we have got out on the square. got plaque will he mores from master built. we always see you jumping. are you jumping? what we have a little bit of naughty and nice. t
- you know what? that looks like fire! - comedy without black people would be like the nba without black players. (kevin screaming) - your biggest, biggest superstars in comedy have been black. (eddie yelling) - just genius and hilarious. - yeah, i said it. (audience cheering) - the chappelle show redefined sketch comedy. - i m rick james, bitch. (audience laughing) - in living color set up a platform for black comedians blowing up. - i don t think so. homie don t play that. (audience laughing) - arsenio hall was, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. it was groundbreaking. - [audience] woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. - you had a black man willing to fight the power. - nice being out of jail. (audience laughing) - laughter is healing, laughter purifies the air. actually i don t like to talk about the races, because i m white. - and we, as black people, have been doing it forever. - i am, this is a freckle. (audience laughing) - all black comedians discuss race. - it s harder being gay than i
SOUTHEASTERN N.C. — Li’l Friday is a weekly roundup of events in art, music, theater, comedy, pop-up markets and more. All events featured were scheduled as of…
Bo Burnham makes history on Billboard’s latest charts (dated Nov. 25) as the soundtrack album to his Netflix comedy special Bo Burnham: Inside spends a…