Kunal Kamra, in his latest iteration, used a video of a seven-year-old boy singing “Hey Janma Bhoomi Bharat” to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Berlin during the latter’s recent international trip, replaced the boy’s face, and overlaid the patriotic song with “Mehengayi Dayain Khaye Jaat Hai” from the film “Peepli Live” which speaks of inflation pain.
The father of a kid who sang for PM Narendra Modi during his visit to Germany on May 2 has slammed Kunal Kamra while the comedian said the joke was not on the child. Read to find out all that has happened in the controversy so far.
‘Keep my son away from filthy politics’: Father of boy who sang for PM Modi slams Kunal Kamra - After Kunal Kamra posted an edited video of the boy who sang for PM Modi in Germany, the father of the child hit back at the comedian.
Comedian Kunal Kamra got into a Twitter spat with the father of a boy who sang the patriotic song Hey Janmabhoomi Bharat to greet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his recent visit to Berlin.Ganesh Pol, the father of the boy objected to Kamra .
In an exclusive interview with India Today, the father of the kid who sang for PM Modi said that he is considering taking legal action against comedian Kunal Kamra.