and you know what that means? i really have to go to the bath ,butno i m not i m going to wait . it s over. overt welcome tonight s guests . carl early bird sure b is specil . fox and friends first co-host carley shimkushimkus!pl believe it or not, he s the only guy on the show tonight named hotel youtube host gz. e he looks like thatg: guy who cae to cut down your trees. comedian jim florentinr e and finally, she s the firstwe author to weigh less than igh heher book, but she a contr: to. all right. yeah a rig, a lively bunch toni okay. before we get to some new storienes, it s friday, so let . do this. g is leftovers. mm.vers. yeah, it s leftovers wheres it s i read the jokes. we did news this week, and as always, it s my first timeif reading these. so if they , we ll just chemically castrate joe machi and what not. nonot that i would make a difference. but anyway, our man shouldt p decide. designed to look like the white house. just went up for sale in californ
and you know what that means? i really have to go to the bath ,butno i m not i m going to wait . it s over. overt welcome tonight s guests . carl early bird sure b is specil . fox and friends first co-host carley shimkushimkus!pl believe it or not, he s the only guy on the show tonight named hotel youtube host gz. e he looks like thatg: guy who cae to cut down your trees. comedian jim florentinr e and finally, she s the firstwe author to weigh less than igh heher book, but she a contr: to. all right. yeah a rig, a lively bunch toni okay.
all right. this is a lighter question from rock and roll high school asks . what was your best part timer wo job or summer work tharkt ever had? cat none. none of that was good.l i don t know. i guess all the restaurantswa i work for are interchangeable. oh, wait. no. probably my job at californinopi pizza kitchen. but that was. yeah, because i found i don t wie. d th a guy who was ther h t i didn t have a home. that was. that s why you liked it. w wound up being useful. yeah. so you. you me up beal. t some dude? call h yeah. you could call him that. yes. . i don t know if i want to know any more about this. there s more in my book. if you do. jim, i feel like you had a lot of weird summer work thatl involved, like, heavy lifting, moving, stealingve. yeah, well, you know, working construction sites, picking up garbage. landsc yeah. yeah. landscape.
that s a symbol of wealth. so like, like you got guys t paired with a gold chain? yes, exactly. what they re saying is i sore s rich, i m forcing you to look at all of this. t and i don t care. i don t care thi. look. take a look.i do take a look. i don n t t know what i m doing. jim. jim, you don t seem like you ve ever owned a speedo but i getat a feeling that you flossed with one. be look, i d be afraid to wearto wa a speedo on the beach because un i just feel like someone s going to come up and go, oh, you re in the middle of transitionin oh,g that. there should be a rule of thumb. daat if the speedo lik.e if you work out for 2 hours a dayoc on your body, you can wear speedo like that dude. yeah. if you spend 2 hours eating lunc, and dinner a day you wear what exactly? o i figure, you know, cali, you do a lot of research, so d i m just going. i just thought it. why do they call it a speedo? well, i don t know.