As per Kapil Sharma s representative s statement, the comedian paid Rs 5.31 crore to Dilip Chhabria for a customized vanity van. However, the vehicle was neither delivered nor the money was refunded.
Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma's film "Zwigato", directed by Nandita Das, is heading to the Busan International Film Festival for its screening after it had its
The film is about an ex-floor manager of a factory who loses his job during the pandemic. He then works as a food delivery rider, grappling with the world of ratings and incentives. To support the income, his homemaker wife begins to explore different work opportunities, with fear but also excitement of a new found independence.The
Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma's film "Zwigato", directed by Nandita Das, is heading to the Busan International Film Festival for its screening after it had its trailer premiere at The Toronto International Festival.The film is about an .