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it s the only 65 plus flu shot. .with 4 times the standard dose. and it s free with medicare part b. fluzone high-dose is not for those who ve had a severe allergic reaction. .to any vaccine component, including. .eggs, egg products,. or after a previous dose of flu vaccine. tell your healthcare professional if you ve ever experienced severe muscle weakness. .after receiving a flu shot. if you notice .other problems or symptoms following vaccination,. .contact your healthcare professional immediately. side effects include pain, swelling. .and redness where the shot was given. other side effects may occur. vaccination may not protect everyone. if you re 65 plus, don t settle for a standard-dose flu shot. influenza.going down. move up to fluzone high-dose. see your doctor or pharmacist and ask for it by name. i am all about living joyfully. the united explorer card hooks me up. getting more for getting away. traveling lighter. getting settled. rewarded. learn more at the explorer card do