FRI/9-22 Boardman DARE, movie night (announced at the Sept. 21 meeting); information at 330-729-0127 Columbiana Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210
THU/9-21 Alliance Mile Branch Grange, 495 Knox School Road, drive-thru roast pork dinner, 5 p.m. until sold out. Cost is $10 per meal. Menu includes roast p
THU/9-21 Alliance Mile Branch Grange, 495 Knox School Road, drive-thru roast pork dinner, 5 p.m. until sold out. Cost is $10 per meal. Menu includes roast pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, cole slaw and cookie. No pre-orders. All meals will be first come, first served Beloit West Branch Athletic Boosters bingo, booster hall; doors […]
WED/9-20 Canfield South Range school board meeting rescheduled to Sept. 27 Columbiana Story time for children ages 3-5, 10-10:45 a.m., Columbiana Public
WED/9-20 Canfield South Range school board meeting rescheduled to Sept. 27 Columbiana Story time for children ages 3-5, 10-10:45 a.m., Columbiana Public Library Wellness Wednesday for adults, 2 p.m., Columbiana Public Library; registration requested County Columbiana County Area Singles, 6 p.m., Old Towne Country Grill in Leetonia East Liverpool Licensing and Economic Development Committee, 6 […]