Fear, because oil comes down or Interest Rates are coming down, bank stocks are going down sell sell sell. Or we can collectively roll up our sleeves and find out what high quality stocks are on sale simply because theyre caught up in the marketwide sell jot. Today paid off after initially getting obliterated, the averages rebounded nicely, to close down 255 points, the nasdaq inching down just 0. 39 . First lets get the negative going on. Whats really ailing the market is that all stocks trade together off of news that shouldnt produce such an how meteorology niced output. The negative goes like this something is ailing the europe banks. So are ouric banks stocks ranked to go down . Why not . Theyre acting hideously. It could be because they have more balanceoid loans than we dont know about, or maybe just theyre going down because theyre going down, the industry is collectively lying to us. They have all the huge exposure to European Banks. In other words, people are worried that the
Rally. S p climbing 1. 54 . Nasdaq gaining. What happened to make everyone go from negative to positive practically overnight . Primary catalyst is the strength in oil. As long as oil hangs in there, roars higher there wont be big defaults in the oil patch, just small ones. We saw it today. The run on crude is incredible. Crude, crude everywhere and not a drop to be able to you cant find storage. You can always tell this kind of thing that oil is in control by looking at how the s p 500 futures trade before the stock market opens. The socalled overnights. Last night with oil up 75 cents the futures looked like they would take stocks up a half percent. As the oil futures traded up to double that, the s p futures suggested that the market would rally up a full percent. It is lock step. In the second positive factor, second factors crept into the market and well talk about it though its political. It is being over looked. Bernie sanders, looking like a paper tiger. With a small loss hes n
Immee trying to keemao rubio ive. I expect trump to go after mar rubio in a way he aryohe day announced forresident. Now you have a pro busines republan versus pro business democrat. Maybe ats why the market is rong now. Trump doesnt ha much good to say about the banks. s reserved special lash againshedge funds but as long as sande is a threat expect invective against the banks d Drug Companies from llarys camp they are huge targetfor the left clinton hataken millio in donatis over the years fm the ug companies. Wenow joson johnson, brislmyers, ea are amon hebiggest givers. You veo believe she can ea up on the antibusins rhetic. There aialogue. It will be a lot less heed if sanders is sidined. Call mskeptical since we are thstates in. It seems like what the market has been sayin hillerspenme with wall streeters of the hedge fund and this doesnt mean they own her candidacy but there is a dialogue which imore than nders or predent obama offered. Thmarket knows hlarys modete stance. Its w
Eyre goindownthe in collectively lying to us. They have all the huge exposure to european banks. Oer words, peop a worrd th tres systec risk, that havt yet happened again, and for the report migh not happ at all again, but w ve torscared o oour ts, because thats what we 2011 and decided to sell evyt, cause the market went count 1. There,hats the scenario plus oil is going down. We he Oil Executives chattering aut h wll hav p crude iswimmingools, becathes so lit storage spleft. I thought it was a coen but the oil futures guy realize sangero to n oithe ma bounced somewt when once again we heard prs ports i cou have said lies but th the might be an emergency oc meeting. At after crude fell. Its lowest level since 2003. The rumor was certainly right on time. Call me cynica maybe stock marks right and oi going higher, b every rur about pructi cuttg has enro, soets presume this is, too. Repe the scenario, wheit plummet fred almost exactly where it is now wn to ten bucks in a very short perio
It is lock step. In the second positive factor, second factors crept into the market and well talk about it though its political. It is being over looked. Bernie sanders, looking like a paper tiger. With a small loss hes now buried alive. Now we are hearing about how Hillary Clinton has locked audiotape huge number of super delegates and it could be impossible for sanders to win. Where did that come from . I have been saying when we get clarity in the president ial race its good for the stock market. Since the media likes a horse race, be careful. When the map turns to sanders in a month. Maybe the press will declare hes come back from the dead. Knocking out sanders, if hes knocked out, as every piece of journalism i saw this weekend post nevada suggested allows hillary to go back to a moderate which is friendly to wall street money. Immediate is trying to keep marco rubio alive. I expect trump to go after marco rubio in a way he are yous the day he announced for president. Now you hav