PrEP4All commends the Department of Justice (DOJ) for taking action and urging a Delaware federal judge to overturn the recent verdict in US v. Gilead, which, should it stand, would let Gilead off the hook for infringing on patents held by the federal government. On May 17th, PrEP4All along with the Public Interest Patent Law Institute (PIPLI) and with legal representatives from Columbia Law School s Science, Health, and Information Clinic released a statement expressing extreme disappointment in the verdict in U.S. v. Gilead and calling on DOJ to continue to press its case and potentially call for a new trial.
Wilmington, DE - March 28, 2023 - On March 20, Judge Maryellen Noreika, presiding judge in the landmark patent infringement case United States v. Gilead Sciences, called for a hearing to review both the U.S. government and Gilead Sciences reasons for excessive secrecy in their public case filings. The hearing will take place on April 4. This move follows a March 14 letter sent to the judge by Columbia Law School s Science, Health & Information Clinic on behalf of PrEP4All and the Public Interest Patent Law Institute (PIPLI), which flagged pervasive and unjustified redactions by Gilead and the U.S. government alike, requested justification for the parties secrecy, and requested submission of new, less heavily redacted versions of their filings. Judge Noreika s call for a hearing marks a win for PrEP4All, PIPLI, and public interest and transparency advocates more broadly, as it indicates that she is concerned that the U.S. governmen
The public has a right to know what happens when companies litigate in publicly funded courts. Unfortunately, when it comes to patent cases, companies routinely ignore the public’s rights for example, by filing entire documents under seal without making any attempt to justify that much secrecy..