The Yakima School District Offers Free 30 LB Combo Food Boxes
If you have a child in the Yakima School District you have probably received the e-mail notifications but just in case. The month of February the Yakima School District has set-up free 30 LB Combo Food Boxes to be picked-up at two different locations every Wednesday from 4 pm - 6:30 pm for families with children ages 1-18. One food box per vehicle until supplies run out.
The 30 LB free box will include an assortment of milk, hard and soft cheese, meat, fruits and vegetables for your family.
Lisa Sargent
You can choose either Eisenhower High School, Davis High School for your pick-up and to make things as smooth as possible, bring your child s Yakima School District ID. If your child is not from the Yakima School District, they must be in the car with you. Please be patient and understand there is no possible way to predict how many people will take advantage so having your trunk cleared will make it easier for voluntee