The estimated cost of the project is Rs 4,130 crore, and it was previously inaugurated by PM Modi during the foundation stone-laying ceremony. Currently, the project is undertaking tasks like land acquisition and shifting of utilities, including KPTCL power grid lines, which are expected to be completed soon. The land acquisition process is likely to conclude by the end of August.
Bengaluru-Mysuru-Kushalnagar Highway Project: The estimated cost of the project is Rs 4,130 crore, and it was previously inaugurated by PM Modi during the foundation stone-laying ceremony. Currently, the project is undertaking tasks like land acquisition and shifting of utilities, including KPTCL power grid lines, which are expected to be completed soon. The land acquisition process is likely to conclude by the end of August.
BHPian paragsachania recently shared this with other enthusiasts.A drive on the Bengaluru-Mysuru "Expressway":Did something that I would desist on a weekend.
It was announced today that Temasek has signed definitive agreements to acquire an additional 41% stake in MHE. Founded in 1991 by Dr Ramdas Pai, its Chairman Emeritus, Manipal Hospitals is a leader in healthcare delivery in India. Following the