New Lure: Shimano Coltsniper Splash Walk
Walk the dog with Shimano s new striper-focused topwater lure, the Coltsniper Splash Walk.
June 9, 2021
Jack Sprengel holding a nice striper he landed while fishing with the Shimano Coltsniper Splash Walk. (Photo Credit: Blaine Anderson)
The only thing more exciting than seeing a big striper blast a topwater plug out of the water is actually hooking that bass. A better strike-to-hook-up ratio is just one of the features of the new striper-focused lure from Shimano, the Coltsniper Splash Walk.
Shimano’s Coltsniper line of lures consists of several metal and hard-plastic designs, including the Coltsniper Jerk, Shimano’s souped-up take on the classic minnow plug, with features like an internal weight-transfer system for casting further and through-wire construction to holdup to big bass. The Splash Walk seeks to do the same for the spook-style topwater.