With Yemi Mobolade, Wayne Williams, and Sallie Clark the three candidates in the lead throughout the night if the results stand, it will trigger a recount set for May 16th.
Colorado Springs' upcoming election is on April 4. However, this time around ballots will only be accepted by mail. Here's everything you should know.
This November, Colorado Springs voters will have the choice to voice their opinion on whether the city should legalize sales of recreational marijuana.
Pink News published an article about our own hometown homophobe Gordon Klingenschmitt.
This former Colorado House Rep, failed Colorado Springs City Council candidate and former U.S. Navy military chaplain, who was court-martialed in 2006 for wearing his uniform to a political protest, is unfortunately based here in Colorado Springs, and has spread his particular brand of unhinged hatred throughout the community for years.
This time, he got national attention thanks to a newsletter he sent out to followers of his evangelical website/broadcast: The Pray In Jesus Name Project. The rambling, incoherent newsletter, chock-full of false and inflammatory dog whistles for the religious right, was titled: âBiden to Transgenderize Military (and punish Christian Troops).â