Newly-released 2022 Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) test results show few signs that academic achievement is rebounding, after two years of learning loss and disruption in schools due to
Over 50 students volunteered to be a part of a student-led cleaning crew in charge of cleaning the cafeteria and sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade wings.
Monycka Snowbird, left, argues against keeping the Cheyenne Mountain Indians mascot with a supporter, who declined to give her name, outside the Cheyenne Mountain School District 12 board work session in the fall of 2020. Snowbird and the other indigenous people who attended the protest felt the mascot is racists against their heritage. Supporters of the mascot said the Indians mascot was an honor and full of school tradition. About 50 people lined the street outside the school district’s administration building. (Gazette file photo)
Gazette file
Jerilee Bennett, The Gazette