Businesses that fuel Colorado’s economic engine can’t be blamed for cringing at the specter of the Colorado legislature’s return this month. Plaintiffs lawyers, however, are not cringing. Instead, the people who pay to put their faces.
Businesses that fuel Colorado’s economic engine can’t be blamed for cringing at the specter of the Colorado legislature’s return this month. Plaintiffs lawyers, however, are not cringing. Instead, the people who pay to put their faces on.
Republican Sens. Byron Pelton and Barb Kirkmeyer were among the state lawmakers who recently received “Common Sense in the Courtroom” awards from the Colorado Civil Justice League. The awards are presented annually to lawmakers who have demonstrated a commitment to curtailing lawsuit abuse and protecting small business and working families from the cost of frivolous […]
Republican Sens. Byron Pelton of Sterling and Barbara Kirkmeyer of Brighton were among the state lawmakers who on Tuesday received “Common Sense in the Courtroom” awards from the Colorado Civil Justice League. The awards are presented to lawmakers who have demonstrated a commitment to curtailing lawsuit abuse and protecting small business and working families from […]
State Rep. David Ortiz (D-Littleton) makes a compelling advocate for the rights and struggles of disabled Coloradans. “I lived 30 years as an able-bodied leg-walker, a five-minute-mile running, hard-charging combat aviator until a crash.