Wonderful facet of our own Jewish Community locally and nationally. What is the jews of Color Field Building Initiative . Thanks for inviting us into the conversation. The jews of Color Field Building Initiative, weve been around 19 months and have three areas of focus. First we run the nations only Philanthropic Fund focused specifically on jews of color. We are interested in funding leadership development, grass roots networking, cohort building, Research Building and knowledge making, developing kind of new ideas and concepts in organizations and Leadership Initiatives for the Jewish Community, all centered around jews of color, advocating for jews of color, helping the Jewish Community understand itself as a multi racial Jewish Community. That is our first area of focus is our fund. The second thing we have the privilege of doing is conducting Jewish Community ecosystem. Io in the last 18 months we conducted a study counting inconsistencies with stanford university. It was a demogr
A deep dive into our archives shows how we've covered Jews of color over the years and may even show how and when the term "Jews of color" was first used.