reports that leaders in tehran thought an attack from the u.s. was coming and that they were preparing for a counter strike. the u.s. thought iran was preparing an attack leading the trump administration to boost their military presence in the middle east. joining us now kaitlan collins cnn white house correspondent and ian bremmer president of the eurasian group. i want to start with this wall street journal reporting. it s either the guns of august or gift of the image jie. two misunderstandings that could be dangerous. intelligence collected by the u.s. government shows iran s leaders believed the u.s. was about to attack them prompting possible counter strikes. that view of the intelligence could help explain why iranian forces and their allies took action that was seen as threatening to u.s. forces in iraq and elsewhere prompting a u.s. military buildup in the persian gulf region and draw down of u.s. diplomats in iraq. yeah, we wanted them to do something. i mean, the old sta