The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian is the longest running daily newspaper in the country, marking its centenary in 2017. The paper started life as the Trinidad Guardian on Sunday 2nd September 1917 by the newly formed Trinidad Publishing Company Limited.
PARIA'S terminal operations manager Collin Piper says while he understands why rescue divers whose families were stuck in a 30-inch undersea pipeline were willing to risk their lives to try assisting, he made the "best" and "right" decision by not allowing them to do so as more lives could have been lost. In fact, he
VOLUNTEER rescuers seeking to save divers trapped in an undersea pipeline were too emotional to be allowed to try to perform a rescue, argued Collin Piper, terminal operations manager at Paria Fuel Trading Co Ltd on Thursday at the International Waterfront Centre, Port of Spain, at the Commission of Enquiry (CoE) into the February 25
POLITICAL leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) Gary Griffith says the Paria officials who testified at the Commission of Enquiry (CoE) into the February 25 diving tragedy were "difficult to watch for many reasons."
A weeping and emotionally distressed Catherine Balkissoon, Paria's acting technical lead, told the Commission of Enquiry (CoE) into the February 25 diving tragedy that the company did the best it could to save the lives of those involved. But she said that every day, she wonders if there was something more she could have done