soon they ll have no choice but to start shutting down the vaccination vaccine delivery operations. that means more mutations, more variants, more infections, more deaths abroad and at home. keep in mind what we re doing with a.i.d. is trying to stop this pandemic outside our borders. it s because we realize that every single one of these variants is one airplane trip away from crossing our borders. even as we have to do things to stop it within our borders. finally, i want to make clear that we don t have time to say what we can to say well, we can act later on. this is not a problem that can be solved by flipping a switch. nor does it produce the tens of millions of doses of vaccines and therapeutics necessary to prepare for a fall surge. the government and biotech companies need to begin purchasing supplies now. they can t say, oh, we have an pandemic? golly, go out and buy some supplies. but we have to make them first. come back to us in a few months. that doesn t do an