Herald Democrat
The Sherman-Denison Metropolitan Planning Organization is tightening its belt following statewide transportation budget cuts. The organization that oversees many roadway improvements across Grayson County said it is removing $16.66 million of roadway projects from the scope of its upcoming four-year plans.
The SDMPO announced Tuesday that it will have a public Zoom meeting at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 6 to discuss the proposed changes to its four-year Transportation Improvement Plan. The state is having some budget issues and because of that we are having to cut some projects, SDMP Executive Director Clay Barnett said.
The cuts to SDMPO projects comes amid state budget shortfalls due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. In late November, the Texas Tribune reported that the shortfall is likely to be softer than the $4.6 billion deficit for the current biennium that was initially reported over the summer. However, the hit is still expected to be significant.