woman out there. whether it is if they have children or if they have somebody in their family who is ill and they need to take time off, they have to leave. the fact that 75% of the workforce does not have a capability to do so while being paid puts us so far behind america, so far behind almost the entire globe. you say almost the entire globe. the united states one of seven countries without some form of universal paid leave. it s almost embarrassing to a degree. let s look at the working group because it s an interesting group. you see the democrats, kristi houlihan. collin allred i believe is the first to take paternity leave. hailey stevens of michigan. you mentioned conservative stephanie bice. so is miller-meeks of iowa.
people who are for mccarthy will begin to open their ears more to a scenario because i don t think this is individual negotiations. their problem is with mccarthy and i don t think that s going to change. the other thing is let s say it s not mccarthy, let s say it s someone else. the question is what s the over under on how many house speakers there ll be over the next two years, two, three, four? certainly not one. while it may be fun for democrats to watch it now i think the country is going to pay a pretty severe price given the dysfunction that s going to get more serious in the weeks and months ahead. i want to bring in a couple other elements and couple more members of our panel. but let me play this. this is representative collin allred on our network earlier today on the unprecedented nature of this and what this means. we don t have a house of representatives right now. well, we re lucky, that we
The airline canceled thousands of flights during the holidays and left hundreds of thousands of people across the country looking for new travel plans. Critics say that’s because it failed to fund technology needed to match its growth, dating back to Southwest co-founder Herb Kelleher.
The airline canceled thousands of flights during the holidays and left hundreds of thousands of people across the country looking for new travel plans. Critics say that’s because it failed to fund technology needed to match its growth, dating back to Southwest co-founder Herb Kelleher.
The airline canceled thousands of flights during the holidays and left hundreds of thousands of people across the country looking for new travel plans. Critics say that’s because it failed to fund technology needed to match its growth, dating back to Southwest co-founder Herb Kelleher.