Despite slow vaccine rollout, state seeing more than 500 extra doses in vials
Despite slow vaccine rollout, state seeing more than 500 extra doses in vials By Chris Joseph | January 6, 2021 at 7:07 PM EST - Updated January 7 at 7:18 AM
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - The vaccine rollout in South Carolina has been criticized by some of the state’s highest leaders, but not all the news is dire.
January 6 COVID-19 Vaccine allocation update from DHEC shows 11 facilities are reporting vaccine utilization rates higher than 100%.
This means they’ve used all their vaccines and found extra along the way.
“[It’s] very encouraging,” said Michelle O’Quinn, the director of pharmacy services for Colleton Medical Center.
S.C. rural hospitals to give COVID-19 vaccine despite a lack of ultracold storage
VIDEO: Rural hospitals face challenges to store COVID-19 vaccine without ultracold coolers By Abbey O Brien | December 18, 2020 at 2:29 PM EST - Updated December 18 at 7:06 PM
COLLETON COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC) - This week, most hospitals in South Carolina began administering the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to their healthcare workers. However, one challenge that comes with this vaccine is that it requires ultracold storage around -94 degrees Fahrenheit.
“We knew who had ultracold storage and who didn’t. Most rural hospitals do not have that capability,” Dr. Greg Barabell, South Carolina Office of Rural Health’s medical consultant, said.