25% of students achieve 43 points or more SYDNEY, Jan. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ Westbourne College has shot straight to the upper echelons of Sydney's best academic schools with its first
25% of students achieve 43 points or more SYDNEY, Jan. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ Westbourne College has shot straight to the upper echelons of Sydney's best academic schools with its first graduating class. Westbourne College Sydney is at the top of the league tables With 25% of its students achieving 43 points or more in the IB Diploma (ATAR of over 99.3) and 19% achieving 44 points (ATAR 99.6), Westbourne ranks second only to Ravenswood on these measures based on data available at the time of writing. A median score of 39 points (96.70 ATAR) places Westbourne equal 2nd on this measure, joining Redlands, Ravenswood and Kambala at the top of this ranking. Launched in January 2021, Westbourne College Sydney offers a groundbreaking STEM-focused, IB-only, co-ed, future focused model, developed in the UK since 2007, which has seen it top the UK league tables since 2015. Combining university links with real-world international experience - including access to world-leading business school