The victim said that she had come in touch with the main accused, Ramu Kushwaha through Facebook. In her complaint, the victim narrated that on November 21 when she was returning to her home, she received a call from Kushwaha who said that he was coming to meet her. 📰 Madhya Pradesh Shocker: 17-Year-Old Girl Kidnapped and Gang-Raped by Facebook Friend, Two Others in Gwalior; Arrested.
CCTV visuals led the police to Nagaraj and Prakash. When the police team zeroed in on the youths, they hurled country-made bombs at the police and tried to escape. The police had to resort to firing on the legs of the youth to capture them. 📰 Tamil Nadu Shocker: Two Rape Accused Shot After Trying To Flee To Evade Arrest at Sriperumbudur Near Chennai.