Oregon State University – Cascades will host its 20th commencement on Sunday, June 13, 2021, with both a virtual ceremony and an on-campus celebration for graduates. The graduating class includes 268 students, of which 40% are first generation college graduates and 18% are students of color. OSU-Cascades will host the virtual ceremony and drive-thru event in keeping with state, federal and OSU health and safety COVID-19 guidelines. Interim Vice President Andrew Ketsdever will preside over the virtual ceremony, which will be available at 9 a.m. for graduates, family members and friends, as well as the public. "OSU-Cascades' graduates have persevered, particularly during the past 15 months, but this has provided them skills to address the complex health, climate, racial equity and political challenges facing our country and communities," said Ketsdever. OSU-Cascades will host a drive-thru graduation celebration with OSU mascot Benny Beaver from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.