Super human robots are coming. Thats according to a futurist who happens to be a top engineer at google. Hes giving us an exact year. He claims to have a pretty good track record with his predictions. Lets get to it. President trump got the wiretap question a short time ago during a joint News Conference with the german chancellor, Angela Merkel. It came from a german reporter. The president is apparently standing by his claim that the white house ordered wiretapping of trump tower under president obama. He referred to information from wikileaks showing that chancellor merkel was wiretapped. As far as wiretapping, i guess by this past administration, at least we have something in common perhaps. [laughter] in other words, that they were both wiretapped when theres no evidence of that. The president could learn first hand whether the building which he lives was wiretapped. All he would have to do is ask the intelligence services. They work for him. Judge Andrew Napolitano commented on t