kingdom understood very well and told. the western countries if you look at all of the public statements from saudi officials they identified easy iran as the main supporter of bashar that s it and therefore the kingdom called on all of the countries in the west in europe and in america to oppose the iranian. direction. and control over the situation in syria syria became the stage for a radical standoff between the region s two systems of power and the sunni saudi monarchy against the shiite islamic republic of iran. i think many people including many american many americans and many europeans underestimated the degree to which syria was
was killed in september two thousand and sixteen in syria. the revolutionary guard corps created in one nine hundred seventy nine is the most powerful security organization in the country it s the tehran regime s praetorian guard. no one knows how many soldiers iran has lost in syria probably several hundred from the beginning of the popular uprising against a basher in the spring of two thousand and eleven to run has taken the side of the syrian regime a regime that it has always considered to be an historical and strategic ally. to appreciate the importance of this relationship we need to go back to the iran
a platform to launch either an invasion or asymmetrical warfare against iran in a thought that that was actually possible at the time i think that there were some conflicts that we witnessed in syria and iran in iraq pushed iranians increasingly to act as the sectarian power in order to mobilize support for their cause in the region there was no water way for them to to other than becoming increasingly sectarian they had to marshal support elsewhere and they had to marshal support from the afghanis. migrants in iran and and the pakistanis shia pakistanis and they have to use for the engine they have to share with them. and therefore they have to act in a much more sectarian way. with the help of the shia iran managed to make its
it would not push more moderate of iranian behavior in the region if the is being you know in the way that you know these troy. then you know a new era of distrust will be created in those countries relations which in my believe is not good for both sides. in tehran it is clearly understood that the american administration refuses to ratify the new position that iran occupiers on the regional chance board but the iranian leaders also know that their country s new role in the middle east is a very delicate one between the joint handling with russia of the syrian issue riyadh s obsessive hostility the changing political map in iraq and the security fears over israel they need to be able to arbitrate between the opposing interests of their enemies and their partners. iran is
issues on the basis of this success or two ish bit if seem. from here on iran hope to normalize its relations with the west but the country was then confronted with a syria and iran crises which would give it the opportunity to use other methods than diplomacy to once again become a major player in the middle east. behest as a car cemetery in tehran is the biggest in the country. the man known as post was named. day he was an officer in the revolutionary guard who