WorkSafe launches new campaign to address worrying 8% retail statistic
By Imogen Bailey | 25 May 2021
WorkSafe Victoria has launched a new campaign encouraging Aussies to come together and stamp out violence and aggression in the workplace, including the retail industry.
According to WorkSafe claims data, 2.5% of claims relate to violent or aggressive incidents in the workplace, with many going unreported.
Meanwhile, additional data from Safe Work Australia states that the national retail trade makes up 8% of all serious claims.
Incidents can involve verbal abuse and yelling, spitting, swearing, demeaning language to gendered violence and physical assault.
WorkSafe CEO Colin Radford said the campaign s message is clear: violence or aggression in the workplace is never ok.
Victoria records zero new coronavirus cases, Daniel Andrews reveals mystery case linked to Sydney s northern beaches
WedWednesday 6
ThuThursday 7
The health department says 32,767 test results were received on Wednesday.
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Genomic testing has confirmed that a mystery case of coronavirus that emerged in Melbourne yesterday is linked to the outbreak on Sydney s northern beaches.
Key points:
Victoria has recorded no new locally acquired cases and none in hotel quarantine
Premier Daniel Andrews will urge National Cabinet to strengthen efforts to stop a new UK strain from spreading
WorkSafe is investigating potential coronavirus breaches at dozens of workplaces
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The Melbourne meatworks at the centre of Victoria s largest outbreak during the first wave has been cleared after a probe into COVID-19 workplace protocols.
WorkSafe Victoria confirmed in May it was investigating the outbreak at Brooklyn s Cedar Meats, which infected at least 111 people.
The independent regulator s chief executive Colin Radford revealed at a Public Accounts and Estimates Committee hearing on Tuesday that the investigation had concluded and no prosecutions would follow. We have not found evidence of any breaches of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, he said.
The probe had been examining whether social distancing measures were in place at the abattoir, and if workers were provided with appropriate personal protective equipment and hand sanitiser.