MariaDB Direct Query Adapter Now Available and Certified in Microsoft Power BI MariaDB
Corporation today announced the certification and immediate availability of the MariaDB Direct Query Adapter in Microsoft Power BI. MariaDB and Microsoft worked together on the integration, giving Power BI users access to data analysis and visualization of live data in MariaDB Platform on-prem or in the cloud through MariaDB SkySQL.
The MariaDB Direct Query Adapter opens a whole new world of data exploration for Power BI users. Previously, Microsoft users could only access 1 gigabyte of data from MariaDB or MySQL databases, constrained by the memory available on the physical system operating Power BI. With the new MariaDB Direct Query Adapter, Power BI users now have the freedom of data exploration on terabytes and petabytes of data stored directly in the MariaDB database, leveraging the database layer for operations for increased query performance. Massively parallel processing (MPP) deliv