Governor Ron DeSantis has been widely and rightly criticised – including by prominent members of his own party – for dismissing the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a “territorial dispute” of little concern to the United States.
The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which was negotiated in a process that ended in 2013, is purportedly intended to promote transparency in the international arms trade, to require nations to establish control systems for exports of conventional arms, and to ban arms exports to nations that committed grave human rights abuses.
Wall Street Journal Global View columnist Walter Russell Mead writes today about Senator Tom Cotton s new book Only the Strong: Reversing the Left s Plot to Sabotage American Power. I know from Senator Cotton himself, by the way, that he is a great fan of Mead s Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World. (Walter only observes in passing that Senator Cotton mentions my work in the text. )