It s a rare occurrence when Chief Inspector of Detectives Peter McGarr leaves the shores of his beloved Ireland but this time he has little choice. The blood of two prominent British subjects both former S.I.S. chiefs, both brutally murdered is staining Irish soil. And Sir Colin Cummings, the current head of Britain s elite secret service and potential third victim en route to Italy, with McGarr coming along for the man s protection. A macabre conspiracy of murder and revenge is spreading its tentacles across several nations, and McGarr s time spent amidst the charm and rustic beauty of Siena promises to be anything but restful. Because there are many hidden players in this most deadly game from ex-spies to Communist rabble rousers to wealthy Italian industrialists. And a single misstep could place one dedicated and inquisitive Chief Inspector of the Garda Soichana directly in the line of killing fire.
SIR – On Friday the Government put an advertisement in
The Daily Telegraph telling readers how many hundreds of millions of pounds it had spent on the development, purchase and distribution of Covid vaccines.
However, the primary care health group to which my GP surgery belongs has no idea how many vaccines it will receive, or when. My wife is over 80 and would like to know.
Dr Martin Henry
SIR – Further to Lesley Wright’s letter (December 19) regarding invitations for Covid vaccination being sent by text, what of those of us over-80s who do not own a mobile phone? How will we be told that a vaccination awaits us?
we use and who it hurts. we can talk about decorum and race baiting and the president is attacking an american city and he s misinformed. the district happens to be one of the most well educated, most affluent predominantly african-american cities country. the president not liking it and now we re seeing his gust response, ana. let s talk about this, boris sanchez, thank you for that report from the white house. cnn political analyst any veteran white house correspondent margaret tolev and jeff mason. in 2016, hillary clinton beat donald trump in cummings district by more than three times the number of trump voters. do you think this is about sore feelings because we know he doesn t like to let thing goes or cummings power as the house oversight chairman. an a the president does feel threatened by the congressman s power and his role in the
streets. our next guest is a maryland resident who took these videos to see what it s really like. joining us is kimberley klasik. thank you for being here. what did you find was going on in cummings district. there is a crisis at the border. there s also a crisis in baltimore. congressmancummings represent the most dangerous district in america. i went into the district to basically ask people if they havtheywere scared of trump. congressman cummings said his constituents were afraid of trump. when i talked to people, i realized what the living conditions are like for the residents and children there, and what they ve been playing around. there s abandoned row homes filled with trash, homeless addicts, empty needles and it s right next door. it s attracting rodents, cockroaches, you name it.