Public health. If I were to ask you what that meant, what would you say? Most people have an idea, but many do not know the extent of what public health does for their community.
The mission of the Cole County Health Department is "to promote, protect, and assure the health, safety, and quality of life through assessment, policy development, and assurance in order that our community will be a safe, healthy place for our citizens to live and raise families." (CCHD, 2024)
There are many common respiratory illnesses that we see often during the colder months of the year. These illnesses can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi.
At the Cole County Health Department, we have a motto of "prevent, promote, protect." The health department is involved with many different aspects of public health, including the promotion of safe sleep for infants. By educating the community about safe sleep practices, the health department is playing a vital role in preventing sleep-related infant deaths and protecting the lives of babies.
As we gear up to gobble up Thanksgiving food this Thursday, here are some ways you can protect your Thanksgiving leftovers. “ I know no one wants to clean right