India News: Lok Sabha has passed the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, and Bharatiya Sakshya Bill, replacing the colonial-era Indian Pe
After a long, tiring day at work, if you find yourself tossing and turning on your bed, trying to get some sleep then you need to change your one-night habit. Instead of browsing on your phone before going to sleeo, try to read 10 to 15 pages of a book to relax your mind.
H9N2 has stirred quite a lot of news in China, especially where children are being admitted with pneumonia. The reason for the H9N2 infection in China is that there was a lockdown due to COVID over there and the lockdown was strictly being followed by the government and people had to follow all the instructions of the government.