house wanted, which was prohibitions on feeding kids spoiled food and cold burritos, setting minimum conditions for the way that children, babies and mothers and teenagers, need to be treated without any of those protections but with a handshake deal with the white house who say, yeah, we won t starve them or put them on cold floors? as a florida leader of the california state senate but most important as a youngest child of an immigrant mother, a woman who had the courage to cross the border in a wave of bigotry, i am extremely upset that the so-called problem-solving caucus capitulated and colluded with president trump and the republicans in the u.s. senate. like you said, what they wanted was accountability. they wanted transparency. they wanted to make sure that money was spent for better food, better hygiene and better facilities, humanitarian facilities for young children and these babies. this is not guantanamo. these are children, these are