SARANAC LAKE Saranac Lake Fish and Game Club Membership Secretary Rocky Nogales says there are around $5,400 worth of tagged fish swimming around in Lake
December 24, 2020
Dec. 31: Westchester County archery season closes.
Jan. 1-31: Varying hare season (southwestern N.Y.)
Jan 4-31, 2021: Suffolk County special firearms season (Restrictions apply).
Note: Many events have been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus situation. Should they be rescheduled, we will list them here.
Jan. 16, 2021: WTU Eastern New York Deer Camp, 5 p.m., Albany Marriott. For more info call Bill Bailey, 413-244-2304.
April 17, 2021: WTU Stony Brook Chapter Banquet, 4 p.m., Dansville Fire Department. For more info call Shannon Griese, 585-739-1779.
NY Shooter Supply Reloading Classes, 6 p.m., first and third Tuesday of the month. Info: 518-456-6383.
December 10, 2020
Dec. 13: Southern Zone big game (rifle) season closes.
Dec 14: Varying hare season opens (eastern part of Southern Zone).
Dec. 14-22: Southern Zone late muzzleloading season (limited WMUs).
Dec. 31: Long Island pheasant and quail seasons close.
Dec. 31: Westchester County archery season closes.
Jan. 1-31, 2021: Varying hare season (southwestern N.Y.)
Jan 4-31, 2021: Suffolk County special firearms season (Restrictions apply).
Note: Waterfowl seasons, including those for Canada goose, vary across New York. Please check the Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide for more details.
Note: Many events have been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus situation. Should they be rescheduled, we will list them here.