Schools on how they should protect students from federal immigration enforcement. Now, this comes after california earlier this week wrote a clarification to state and local Law Enforcement that its sanctuary policies do not give them authority to disregard federal Immigration Law but they do limit how they can cooperate with the feds. However, this battle is far from over. The he is cothe he is conescondy join the federal lawsuit challenging the state dangerous and sanctuary policies. Joining us from escondido correspondent griff jenkins. Hi, judge. There is undoubtedly a backlash in california against the states sanctuary controversial sanctuary new laws and here in escondido within San Diego County, its definitely the next frontier in this battle. We came and spoke with the mayor here, sam abbot about what they plan to do on wednesday of next week, april 4th. They are going to vote on an ordinance that would formally join the Trump Administrations lawsuit against the sanctuary laws.
Schools on how they should protect students from federal immigration enforcement. Now, this comes after california earlier this week wrote a clarification to state and local Law Enforcement that its sanctuary policies do not give them authority to disregard federal Immigration Law but they do limit how they can cooperate with the feds. However, this battle is far from over. The he is cothe he is conescondy join the federal lawsuit challenging the state dangerous and sanctuary policies. Joining us from escondido correspondent griff jenkins. Hi, judge. There is undoubtedly a backlash in california against the states sanctuary controversial sanctuary new laws and here in escondido within San Diego County, its definitely the next frontier in this battle. We came and spoke with the mayor here, sam abbot about what they plan to do on wednesday of next week, april 4th. They are going to vote on an ordinance that would formally join the Trump Administrations lawsuit against the sanctuary laws.
Its not worth it to impeach him. Nancy pelosi wants to tamp down the impeachment talk because she knows it will hurt the Democratic Party if they do that. Far left lawmakers continue to break with nancy pelosi on her opposition to impeaching the president. Howie are some disappointed impeachment is off the table for now. Beto orourke launched his campaign to a largely favorable cover story in vanity fair. I saw him when he sat down with hope a a couple months ago. I as others in the audience thought wow. That outdoorsiness is incredible. Former congressman Robert Francis bozo orourke is flailing his way into the race telling vanity fair he was born to run. Howie jay leno takes a whack at the onesided antitrump comedy that dominates the latenight shows. I did it when clinton was horny and bush was dumb. It was easier. Howie a critic of the likes of colbert and kimmel . This is mediabuzz. [ ] howie plenty of pundits have been talking about the possibility of impeachment since the democra
Belief in the glory of god and the power of prayer. Baby why dont you just meet me in the middle im losing my mind. Brian can they cut a deal . Sing about it in the end. Steve sounds like they are really close. Coming down to two issues, the border wall, barrier and the number of detention beds. The president wants more wall and less beds. We are going to talk to somebody who is actually on the negotiating team in our b block in about 10 minutes. In the meantime we have to talk about how alexandria ocasiocortez, who, as you know, is lighting up every Television Screen these days. She has come out with a new way to overhaul and make the world better. It is her Green New Deal. If you missed the announcement yesterday, listen to this. We have lots to say about it. Today is also the day that we choose to assert ourselves as a Global Leader in transitioning to 100 Percent Renewable Energy and charting that path. We should do it because we are a country founded on ideals of a culture that is
Its not worth it to impeach him. Nancy pelosi wants to tamp down the impeachment talk because she knows it will hurt the Democratic Party if they do that. Far left lawmakers continue to break with nancy pelosi on her opposition to impeaching the president. Howie are some disappointed impeachment is off the table for now. Beto orourke launched his campaign to a largely favorable cover story in vanity fair. I saw him when he sat down with hope a a couple months ago. I as others in the audience thought wow. That outdoorsiness is incredible. Former congressman Robert Francis bozo orourke is flailing his way into the race telling vanity fair he was born to run. Howie jay leno takes a whack at the onesided antitrump comedy that dominates the latenight shows. I did it when clinton was horny and bush was dumb. It was easier. Howie a critic of the likes of colbert and kimmel . This is mediabuzz. [ ] howie plenty of pundits have been talking about the possibility of impeachment since the democra