A pittance and have little or no access to Public Health or Education Systems as a result more and more people are leaving their homelands and risking their lives to head for more prosperous countries like germany so our question on quadriga this week is fair trade how unjust is the Global Economy and to discuss the topic im joined here in the studio by three astute observers and analysts beginning with mick cohen miscue not a specialist on migration and Diversity Inc with the highly respond foundation he says alongside war and bad governance the inequality of opportunity in Global Markets is the main factor behind the global Migration Crisis also with us is alan posner a commentator for the berlin daily felt ellen believes that the main drivers of poverty and i mean gratian of War Corruption Fragile states and bad leaders and noughts unjust Trade Relations and the world working to to raj each iran run a Development Economist at the European School of management and technology for
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a pittance and have little or no access to public health or education systems as a result more and more people are leaving their homelands and risking their lives to head for more prosperous countries like germany so our question on quadriga this week is fair trade how unjust is the global economy and to discuss the topic i m joined here in the studio by three astute observers and analysts beginning with mick cohen miscue not a specialist on migration and diversity inc with the highly respond foundation he says alongside war and bad governance the inequality of opportunity in global markets is the main factor behind the global migration crisis also with us is alan posner a commentator for the berlin daily felt ellen believes that the main drivers of poverty and i mean gratian of war corruption fragile states and bad leaders and noughts unjust trade relations and the world working to to raj each iran run a development economist at the european school of management and technology for