sorry. trump seems confident and excited going into the upcoming summit. viewing the north korea summit as his quote great man of history moment. and he thinks he alone can i don t have come the disaster on the peninsula. he thinks, just get me in the room with the guy and i ll figure it out. this is unchartered territory for the nation. morning joe warning it won t be that easy. i think president trump somehow feels he will walk n slap the table like he is selling a building in manhattan, and walk out the door to collect his nobel peace prize. ain t gonna happen that way. this is gob to be a process that has to unfold. and it sort of has to be secret at least. well, i hope that president trump didn t hear the question, perhaps, when he said that he had talked directly with kim
with criminal charges. mr. trump made the call seeking advice from jay goldberg, who represented mr. trump in the 90s and early 2000s. mr. goldberg cautioned the president not to trust mr. cohen. on a scale of 100 to 1, where 100 is fully protecting the president, mr. cohen isn t even a 1, he said he told mr. trump. he said he might be wearing a wi wire. he is accused of several things and has not yet charged with a crime. my panel here, barbara mcquaid
in the united states in a flight. absolutely awful. we ll get to that in a minute. we ll begin the coverage this hour with michael cohen. president trump s personal attorney and a man who once boasted that he would take a bullet for the president. but now trump s allies are worrying that cohen s loyalty may not be bullet proof, especially if he s facing years, not like a year, years, in federal prison. the wall street journal is reporting that jake goldberg, a long time legal adviser to the president warned trump that cohen might cooperate with prosecuters reportedly telling trump on a scale of 100 to 1 where 100 is fully protecting the president, mr. cohen isn t even a one. and according to politico, another president trump ally warned that when anybody is faced with spending a long time in jail, they start to re-evaluate their priorities. and cooperation cannot be ruled out. joining us now, nbc news
him. meanwhile, the wall street journal reports tonight president trump was given a clear warning about his personal attorney michael cohen cooperating with investigators, potentially. quote, one of president donald trump s longtime legal advisers said he warned the president in a phone call friday that michael cohen would turn against the president and cooperate with federal prosecutors if faced with criminal charges. mr. trump made the call seeking advice from jay goldberg, who represented mr. trump in the 90s and early 2000s. mr. goldberg cautioned the president not to trust mr. cohen. on a scale of 100 to 1, where 100 is fully protecting the president, mr. cohen isn t even a 1, he said he told mr. trump. he said he might be wearing a wire. he is accused of several things and has not yet charged with a crime. my panel here, barbara mcquaid for the eastern district of michigan and also nbc legal analyst. shannon, the president in his
you if charged by the government. he told trump on a scale of 100 to one where 100 is fully protecting the president mr. cohen isn t even a one. for his part cohen tweeted the day before the raid, quote, i will always protect our president, donald trump. mike, this is the dilemma we have been talking about for a couple weeks now. if you re michael cohen you pledged your loyalty and been loyal to him for a dozen years or so and you have a wife and two kids. when a federal prosecutor comes and says you might not see them for the next 20, 25 years. that is an easy call. might not be a candidate of the harvard law review, but michael cohen is certainly smart enough to know that given the pending charges that might be lodged against him by the federal government that he could be buried beneath a jail for 20, 25 years. with young children, that is a huge factor and you making up your mind whether you cooperate or noncooperate.