The Daily Nexus endorses Yuval Cohen â a current off-campus senator running with Storke Party with clear goals and the ability to get the job done in an unprecedented year â as the next Associated Students President.Â
Cohenâs platform centers around helping students with their most pressing basic needs.
Courtesy of Yuval Cohen
The next president will have the tremendous responsibility of helping students transition back to in-person learning. Cohen clearly acknowledged that even when students are able to return to campus, life will not immediately go back to normal.Â
âI wish I could say it’s possible to just pick up where we left off, but I know that’s not going to happen,” Cohen, a third-year political science and philosophy major who is running with Storke Party, told the Nexus. “There’s definitely going to be some looming effects of COVID-19, people will still be struggling financially. I definitely want to focus on helping students with th