Christopher Gaston is pictured at Coggin Park Thursday morning continuing to prepare for his Pacific Crest Trail hike. [Photo by Derrick Stuckly]Those driving on Austin Avenue over the past few months may have noticed a man with a large backpack walking up and down the road. That man, 43-year-old Brownwood resident Christopher Gaston, will soon begin a 2,653-mile trek from Canada to Mexico along the Pacific Crest Trail.
“I’m just doing it to do it,” Gaston said. “I saw a documentary on it about 3-4 years ago called Six Million Steps. The documentary basically covered one season’s hike. It had several people that were there at the beginning and at different stages. You got to see the different perspectives of a lot of different people throughout their trail experience. After I saw that I thought that was something I wanted to do at some point.”