with yet another mass shooting, this time in a fourth of july parade in highland park, illinois, were seven people were killed, residents in chicago were [inaudible] notably, though, chicago s tragedy was not met with the media coverage an outpouring of national status the as the horrors in highland park s predominantly white suburbs. often, with mass shootings, we hear the phrase, we never thought something like that could happen here. at the real question is, should gun violence be acceptable anywhere? joining me now is david howell, cofounder of march for our lives. he is a former student at so good to see you again. one, we ll quickly, talk about this to spread coverage that we have seen, especially when it comes to the tragedy and
with issues like red lining, and other forms of that injustice. david hogg, cofounder of march for our lives. as always, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. thank you. up next, from mass shootings to a rogue supreme court, to yet another january six hearing on the insurrection. there is no shortage of threats on american democracy. we ll talk about, next. stay with us. we ll talk about uh, how come we don t call ourselves bikers anymore? i mean, riders is cool, but bikers .is really cool. -seriously? -denied. , can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. denied. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america s number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! [ normal voice ] whoa. stay with us life insurance through the colonial penn program.
allergies don t have to be scary. wi spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. in march 2018, david hogg and his high school classmates brought 800,000 people to washington for the first march for our lives, a month after david hogg survived the mass murder at his high school in parkland, florida, where 14 children and three educators were murdered by a 19-year-old who legally purchased an ar-15 to shred the bodies of the people he murdered. tomorrow, david hogg will be doing it again, as one of the leaders of another march for our lives here in washington d. c. and around the country. joining us now is david hogg, cofounder of march for our lives. david, thank you very much for joining us. it is so said to be back here in washington.
for our lives, a month after david hogg survived the mass murder at hays high school in parkland, florida, we are 14 children and three educators were murdered by a 19 year old who legally purchased an ar-15 to shred the bodies of the people he murdered. tomorrow, david hogg will be doing it again, as one of the leaders of another march for our lives here in washington d.c. and around the country. joining us now is david hogg, cofounder of march for our lives. david, thank you very much for joining us. it is so said to be back here in washington. i was here when you did the march the 1st time. and it was one of the most moving moments of my experience in washington. and certainly there is nothing else like it. there is no other demonstration i have seen here that was like it. what has changed for you since then? what will be different tomorrow,
checks and and joining us now is david hogg, cofounder of march for our lives, he is a survivor of the school massacre at the marjory school in brooklyn, florida. david, thank you very much for joining us. i wanted to juxtapose what we just heard the canadian prime minister say with what you said. because, if you were making the same kind of speech in canada, you would not have been talking about a filibuster rule. you would not be talking about a senate with two senators per state creating a fundamentally anti democratic non democratic structure in the federal government that makes it nonresponsive to democracy the way by canadian democracy based government is responsive to democracy. i wouldn t be. and frankly, lawrence, all i have to say is that i would not be speaking there. not just because of that but because the shooting at my high school would not have happened if i went to school in canada. so, as you were going to the