In a disturbing turn of events, a former Virginia prison guard, Davey Jonathan Sisk, has been apprehended following a Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) operation in Harrisonburg. The arrest is linked to federal charges related to the alleged receipt and purchase of child sexual abuse material, shedding light on a deeply concerning case of online exploitation. […]
June 8, 2021
The Virginia Sheriffs Institute (VSI) scholarship program provides an opportunity for young people across Virginia to pursue an education in criminal justice. The scholarship is limited to students attending Virginia colleges and universities. The annual application period generally runs from January through April. Scholarships are available only to students who reside in jurisdictions where sheriffs participate in fundraising efforts, which includes Fairfax County Sheriff Stacey Kincaid. Applicants must include a personal essay and a letter of recommendation from their County sheriff.
Subscribe I am inspired by their diverse interests and enthusiastic commitment to public service, said Sheriff Stacey Kincaid. I also commend them on their strong work ethic and academic achievements.